
PSE Trading Holidays in the Philippines 2024

As investors get ready for the new year, it’s essential to be aware of the trading holidays that will affect market operations in 2024.

As we embark on this new year, it is pertinent for investors to mark their calendars with key trading holidays that may have a significant impact on their investment decisions. By doing so, they can strategically plan their trades, hedge against potential market fluctuations, and leverage opportunities that may arise during periods of heightened market activity.

PSE Market Trading Holidays in 2024

Jan 1, 2024New Year’s Day Holiday
Mar 28, 2024Maundy Thursday
Mar 29, 2024Good Friday
Apr 9, 2024Araw ng Kagitingan
Apr 10, 2024Eid-ul Fitre
May 1, 2024Labor Day
Jun 12, 2024Independence Day
Jun 14, 2024Eid ul-Adha
Aug 21, 2024Ninoy Aquino Day
Aug 26, 2024National Heroes’ Day
Nov 1, 2024All Saints’ Day
Nov 27, 2024Bonifacio Day
Dec 25, 2023Christmas Day
Dec 30, 2023Rizal Day

Remember to conduct thorough research, seek professional advice if needed, and make informed investment decisions based on your financial goals and risk tolerance.

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