
Top 5 Finance Apps in the Philippines

Managing your finances can feel overwhelming, but fortunately, there is a wide range of finance apps available to simplify the process.

In the Philippines, numerous finance apps have been developed to assist you in budgeting, saving, and investing your money effectively. In this article, we will highlight the top 5 finance apps in the Philippines that empower you to take charge of your financial journey and achieve your goals.

From tracking expenses and creating budgets to exploring investment opportunities and boosting your savings, these apps are designed to streamline money management. Regardless of your life stage or financial situation, these apps are invaluable tools for helping you reach your financial aspirations and secure a brighter future.

These apps combine professional features with a touch of fun and simplicity, making financial management engaging, accessible, and tailored to the unique lifestyle and preferences of millennials and Gen Z.

Top 5 Finance Apps in the Philippines

  1. Unionbank

The UnionBank app offers a smooth and convenient user experience. Customers can easily manage their finances while on the go thanks to this. Users may easily access different banking services and complete transactions with only a few clicks thanks to the apps user-friendly and straightforward navigation. Even better, you can open a bank account without ever leaving your home, use your phone to deposit checks, schedule bank visits, fund transfer and quickly and easily pay your credit card bills, utility bills, and other obligations.

Download the UnionBank app now and take charge of your finances with ease.

2. Gcash

This app has revolutionized the Philippines finance tech scene with the ease of creating an account, sending money, paying your bills, and even investing in the stock market. Surprisingly, it allows you to set reminders for due dates for bills and when to tap up your investment. With its simple yet powerful features, it simplifies the process of managing your finances, making it convenient and stress-free.

Try Gcash now.

3. Seabank

Do you want a convenient way to pay your Shopee budols and at the same time earn a high-interest rate?

This app is perfect for you! They are currently offering 5% p.a. credited daily with no maintaining balance. It’s easy to open an account with them and link it to your Shopee account.

Don’t miss out and earn 5% p.a. with Seabank.

4. Maya

Discover the power of the Maya app and say goodbye to the hassle of carrying cash and embrace seamless digital payments. In just a few taps on your phone, you can make secure transactions while enjoying exclusive deals and rewards. Whether you’re shopping online, paying bills, or buying from your favorite stores, PayMaya makes it easy and convenient. You can track your expenses, set budget limits, and gain better control over your finances.

Download the Maya app now and elevate your digital lifestyle!

5. Shopback

Did you know you can shop and earn at the same time?

Unlock a world of savings and cashback rewards with the Shopback app. Get discounts and exclusive offers from your favorite brands. Earn real cashback on your online purchases, and watch your earnings grow.

Discover a smarter way to shop and save with Shopback.

These apps could help managing your money easier and more efficiently than ever before. So, take the leap and try these finance apps today to start your journey toward financial success and a brighter future.


Money Tips for Early Career Professionals

Congratulations on embarking on your early career journey!

As a young professional, managing your money wisely is crucial for long-term financial stability and success. We’ll explore essential money tips specifically fit for early career professionals like you. We’ll cover key areas such as budgeting, saving, debt management, investing, and planning for the future. With these tips, you’ll be well-equipped to make informed financial decisions that set you on the path to financial independence and a secure future.

Money Tips for Early Career Professionals

  1. Set financial goals

Establishing clear financial goals can help you stay focused and motivated. Whether it’s saving for a down payment on a house, paying off debts, or building a retirement, define your goals and create a plan to achieve them.

2. Create a budget

Creating a budget is the foundation of sound financial management. Start by tracking your income and expenses to understand your cash flow. Allocate your income to essential expenses, such as rent, utilities, and groceries, and set aside a portion for discretionary spending and savings.

3. Build an emergency fund

Building an emergency fund is a crucial step in financial planning. Aim to save at least three to six months’ worth of living expenses in an easily accessible account. This fund acts as a safety net, providing financial security in case of unexpected events like job loss or medical emergencies.

4. Manage debt wisely

If you have student loans or other debts, prioritize paying them off strategically. Explore options such as loan consolidation or refinancing to potentially lower interest rates. Make consistent payments and consider paying more than the minimum amount to reduce the overall interest paid over time.

5. Start investing early

Time is a powerful ally when it comes to investing. Take advantage of your early career stage by starting to invest as soon as possible. You can research and study stocks and mutual funds for starters.

6. Continuously educate yourself

Financial literacy is key to making informed decisions. Take the time to educate yourself about personal finance topics like investing, taxes, and retirement planning. Read books, follow reputable financial blogs, and consider attending workshops or webinars to expand your knowledge.

You can also check our money management series to learn more about finance.

Adulting Finance

How to Educate Yourself in the Basics of Finance: A Guide for Being an Adult

Money is an important aspect of our daily life.

It is critical to have a basic understanding of finance in order to make sound financial decisions. Budgeting and investing can be difficult to understand due of their complexities. Continue reading to discover more about how to attain financial success and control, whether you’re just starting out in your profession or want to enhance your financial literacy.

Here are a few simple steps to get started:

1. Begin with the fundamentals

Before moving into sophisticated financial topics, it is critical to comprehend the fundamentals of finance. This covers budgeting, saving, and debt management. We have some finance articles, and you can check the internet also for resources with videos and podcasts, that can help you in learning these foundations.

2. Read books on finance

Reading finance books is one of the finest ways to learn about the subject. There are numerous good books on personal finance, investment, and wealth creation that can assist you in developing a firm foundation of knowledge.

Some great options include:

“The Intelligent Investor” by Benjamin Graham

“The Millionaire Next Door” by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko

3. Take an online course

If you want a more structured approach to learning about finance, consider taking an online course. There are numerous high-quality online courses available from budgeting to investing. Top popular options include from Coursera, and Khan Academy.

4. Attend financial workshops or seminars

Attending financial workshops or seminars is a great method to learn from industry experts. Search for local events or online lectures on issues that interest you, such as retirement planning or credit development.

Educating yourself in the fundamentals of finance is about more than simply making wise financial decisions. It is about arming yourself with the information and abilities you need to take charge of your financial destiny. Take the first step today and begin your road to financial independence.

Adulting Finance

How to Pay your Debt: A Guide for Being an Adult

If you’ve made a large financial mess in your adulting adventure, facing the realities of debt might be overwhelming. SPayLater, credit card debt, or personal loans, for example, can all have a detrimental impact on your financial well-being and future plans. You can pay off your debts and reach debt-free status if you use the appropriate strategies and mindset we compiled.

1. Accept accountability for your debt

The key to getting out of debt is to accept responsibility for it. Begin by establishing a list of everything you owe, including the amount, interest rate, and minimum payment. This will help you comprehend your debt and plan a repayment strategy.

2. Prioritize your debts

Focus on paying off your most expensive debt first. That’s the one with the highest interest rate. Keep paying the minimum amount on your other debts but put as much extra money as you can toward the high-interest debt. When that one’s gone, move on to the next most expensive debt.

3. Set up a budget

You need a strategy if you want to pay off your debt. You can manage your finances and track where your money is going by creating a budget. Note your monthly income and outgoing spending in writing. After that, choose which debts to pay off first and utilize the remaining funds to cover your living expenses. Avoid going overboard with your spending and try to stay to your budget.

4. Consider debt consolidation

If you have a lot of debt with high interest rates, think about debt consolidation. This is taking out a sizable loan to pay off all of your debts so that you will just have to make one larger loan payment with a lower interest rate. Long-term savings and easier payment management are both possible with it. Just be sure to do some preliminary cost and interest rate comparisons.

5. Increase your earnings

If you’re having trouble making your debt payments with your existing salary, think about strategies to boost your income. Taking up a part-time job, freelancing, or selling stuff you no longer need are all examples of this. Raising your income can assist you in paying off your obligations more quickly and being debt-free sooner.

6. Stay clear from new debt

It is critical to avoid incurring additional debt in order to achieve debt freedom. This implies that you should avoid using credit cards unless you can pay them off in full each month, and you should avoid taking out additional loans unless absolutely essential. Prior to incurring new debt, prioritize the repayment of existing debt.

Paying off debt can be difficult to deal with, but it’s not impossible. Becoming debt-free requires discipline, patience, and a plan. Don’t be afraid to seek help from financial experts or loved ones along the way. You can pay off your debts and pave the way for a brighter financial future. Start taking action today and take the first step towards becoming debt-free!

Adulting Finance

How to Build an Emergency Fund: A Guide for Being an Adult

In these uncertain times, having an emergency fund is more important than ever. An emergency fund is a money set aside for unexpected expenses such as job loss, medical bills, or unexpected events in life. Starting an emergency fund can provide you with peace of mind and financial security. We compiled ways on how to start building your emergency fund:

1. Calculate Your Monthly Expenses

The first step in putting together an emergency fund is determining your monthly expenses. Rent, utilities, groceries, transportation, and other regular expenses should be included. After calculating your monthly expenses, aim to save at least 3 months’ worth of living expenses (realistically since we are living in the Philippines). This will ensure that you have sufficient funds to meet your basic needs in the event of an emergency.

2. Make an emergency fund goal

Set aside some money for an emergency fund once you’ve determined your monthly expenses. This is based on your income and expenses, and it should be attainable and realistic. Begin by putting aside a small sum each month and slowly increasing it over time.

3. Open a separate emergency fund account

It is critical to open a separate account for your emergency fund to ensure that it is not mixed in with your other savings or expenses. You can check digital banks like Seabank and Maya that offers high interest rate and easy access to your money.

4. Try to automate your savings

Saving automatically is an easy strategy for creating your emergency fund or any other savings goal. Set up a monthly automatic transfer from your checking account to your savings account to ensure that a percentage of your salary is saved saves you time and effort. Currently, UnionBank and BPI are the only banks in the country that provide this service.

5. Avoid from dipping into your emergency fund

Once you’ve built up your emergency fund, avoid the temptation to dip into it for unnecessary expenses. Keep in mind that your emergency fund is is meant to provide a safety net in the event of unforeseen expenses or income loss. If ever that you have to utilize your emergency fund, rebuild it as quickly as possible.

Building an emergency fund is a big part of adulting and securing your financial future. Saving money isn’t all about giving up things you like, it’s also about planning for your future success. With a bit of self-control and determination, you can have financial peace of mind. Start building your emergency fund now to take control of your financial destiny and reach financial security. Let’s do this!