
Letter of Intent

Letter of Intent


Christine Lee
Manager of Lo Cosmetic Manufacturing 
Aguinaldo St, Quezon City

Dear Ms. Lee,

Following the discussion we had on (Date), we are to inform you that we will purchase your offered units. They are what we want to introduce in the market and it would serve as a great advantage to XYZ Skin Care. The units must be sealed, registered, and tested before we buy them.

We would like to purchase an initial amount of 100 pieces of sunscreen. We can clear half of the quoted purchase amount as an advance, whereas the rest will be transacted after you completely deliver all the units we purchased.

We will contact you for further long-term business deal about the purchase. Let us know please deliver them promptly. 


Lea Crisostomo
Owner of XYZ Skin Care 

Letter of Inquiry

Letter of Inquiry


Christine Lee
Manager of Lo Cosmetic Manufacturing 
Aguinaldo St, Quezon City

Dear Ms. Lee,

I am writing on behalf of XYZ Skin Care, a skin care company specializing in anti-aging products. I would like to inquire about your sunscreen product. Also, I would like to have an idea about more about it what it offers, prices, bulk order discounts, warranty, delivery, and credit payment option.   

We are currently in search of supplier for our sunscreen product line. We hope that you will be able to meet our demands. In case we like your products, we would like to place an order and work out the pricing in person. 

One of our representatives will be sent to you to see the products and finalize the price.

We can discuss the matter further after you send us your pricing. In case of any queries, feel free to contact me via email at (Email Address) or contact through phone (Phone number).


Lea Crisostomo
Owner of XYZ Skin Care 

Notice to Vacate

Notice To Vacate

1 September 2022

616 Rose Street
Central, Quezon City

Dear Sir:

It has been 30 days since you received my letter dated August 1, 2022 and still, you have failed to pay and still refuses to pay your arrears which have now amounted to ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND PESOS (P 100,000.00).

Please be reminded that I have sent you several letters of demand for you to pay your back rentals and to vacate the premises but the same letters have been left unanswered. Consider this then, as my last and final demand for you to pay your account within five (5) days from receipt and to VACATE the premises within ten (10) days from receipt of this notice. Otherwise, I shall be constrained to commence suit to protect my interests.

Very truly yours,



Final Demand Letter to Collect Rental

Final Demand Letter to Collect Rental

1 September 2022

616 Rose Street
Central, Quezon City

Dear Sir:

This is our last attempt and FINAL WARNING in an attempt to collect your debt. As of the date of this letter, we are asking for the payment of the total amount of P100,000.00 representing your unpaid rentals for the apartment unit owned by my client Mrs. Pia Concepcion.

Multiple notifications have been made by mail and contact has been attempted by phone with no response. If payment is not received within 10 days of receipt of this letter directly to my client's residence. Otherwise, with no option, you can hear us from the court.

Truly yours,


Follow Up Demand Letter To Collect Rental

Follow Up Demand Letter To Collect Rental

1 August 2022

616 Rose Street
Central, Quezon City

Dear Sir:

This has reference to my letter dated July 1, 2022 demanding for the payment of the total amount of P100,000.00 representing your unpaid rentals for the apartment unit owned by my client Mrs. Pia Concepcion.

It is legally presumed that by this time you have received the letter aforementioned; however, up to now, you did not respond positively.

Your silence would mean refusal to my client's legitimate demand; henceforth, for the last time, I am giving you the last opportunity to pay the unpaid rentals directly to my client's residence. Otherwise, with no option, you can hear us from the court.

Truly yours,