Legal Forms

Affidavit of Consolidation of Ownership


                           ) S.S.

       I, (Name), of legal age, Filipino, married and a resident of (Address), after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, depose and state:

That in the public auction conducted by the City Sheriff of Makati City on (Date) pursuant to the provisions of Act No. 3135 as amended, the undersigned affiant became the purchaser of a certain foreclosed property with all its improvements, more particularly described as follows:

                        TCT No. T-0000

     A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 00 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-0000, being a portion of the consolidation of Lots 3 and 4, Psu-0000 Amd., LRC (GLRO) Rec. No. N-0000), situated in the Dist. Of Samara, Municipality of Aringay, La Union, Island of Luzon. Bounded on the NE., points 5 to 8, by Lot 0; on the S., points 6 to 1 by Lot 30; on the SW., points 4 to 6, by Lot 0; and on the N., points 1 to 2 by Lot 00, all of the consolidation-subdivision plan. Beginning at a pont marked "1" on plan, being N. 4 deg. 28' E., 4312.58 m. from B.L.L.M. No.2, Aringay, La Union 

2. That the said Sheriff sold the above-described property with all the improvements and buildings thereon to the undersigned affiant as the highest bidder for the sum of TWO MILLION PESOS (P2,000,000.00), Philippine Currency;

3. That That a Certificate of Sale at Public Auction was issued by the said Sheriff in favor of the undersigned affiant and the same was duly registered with the Office of the Registry of Deeds of Makati City on (Date) as Entry No. 000 on the aforementioned title; and

4. That a Certificate of Sale at Public Auction was issued by the said Sheriff in favor of the undersigned affiant is proper and in accordance with law.

         WHEREFORE, by failure of the Mortgagor to redeem the said property, I am executing this Affidavit for the purpose of consolidating title and ownership of the above-described property with all the improvements and buildings thereon, as provided for by law, and I am requesting the Office of the Registry of Deeds to register the same and issue a new title in the name of the undersigned affiant.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this (Date) in (Place), Philippines.


    SUBCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this (Date) in (Place), Philippines by (Name of Affiant) affiant exhibiting to me his Competent Evidence of Identity by way of Passport Identification(ID Number) issued on (Date) in(Place).

                                                     Notary Public

Doc. No. _____;
Page No. _____;
Book No. _____;
Series of 20__. 

Legal Forms

Affidavit of Cohabitation


                           ) S.S.

We, (NAME OF MAN) and (NAME OF WOMAN), both of legal age, Filipino, single but living together, and residents of (Place of Residence), after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, depose and state THAT:

1.    We have been living together as husband and wife under the same roof, continuously and without any interruption, since (Date), or a period of more than a year;

2.    During our cohabitation and even until the present, we remain both of single status and, hence, there exists no legal impediment for us to marry each other;

3.    We have (number of children) children;
4.    We are executing this affidavit to attest to the foregoing facts and for the purposes of proving the nature of our relationship, and for whatever legal purpose this may serve.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands this (Date) in (Place), Philippines.

                      (NAME OF MAN)


                    (NAME OF WOMAN)

        SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this (Date) at (Place), Philippines, affiants showing to me their respective IDs stated above.

                                                      Notary Public

Doc. No. _____;
Page No. _____;
Book No. _____;
Series of 20__. 

Legal Forms

Affidavit of Change of Address


                           ) S.S.

         I, (Name), of legal age, Filipino, married and a resident of (Address), after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, depose and state that my old residential address, to wit:

                          Old Address
                    (PLACE OF OLD ADDRESS)

Was on the (Date of Change of Address) changed to:

                          New Address
I am executing this Affidavit to attest to the truth of the foregoing and for whatever legal purpose this may serve.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this (Date) in (Place), Philippines.


    SUBCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this (Date) in (Place), Philippines by (Name of Affiant) affiant exhibiting to me his Competent Evidence of Identity by way of Passport Identification(ID Number) issued on (Date) in(Place).

                                                      Notary Public

Doc. No. _____;
Page No. _____;
Book No. _____;
Series of 20__. 


How Do You Define Success in Life

How Do You Define Success in Life - Life Guide PH

I saw this post on Facebook on a peaceful Sunday morning. I thought to myself, do I feel this way too? I tried to ponder where am I now at 26?

As I scroll, I saw people from high school starting their families or getting married, others getting their promotions, and also saw random influencers living their best lives flexing their new luxury handbag.

However, I recalled that their definition of success is different from mine. I don’t want what they have… what I want is to make sure that I’m setting up myself for the greater good during my 20’s and I can enjoy my 30’s living the life that I want.

Define success on your own terms not into what society is telling you.

Finance Life Hacks

How to Cash in GCash For Free

GCash is the leading fintech company in the Philippines. There are 60 million users of GCash in the Philippines who are now using it in their daily transactions from sending payments, cashless transactions, receiving remittances from overseas, buying load, banker transfer, paying bills, digital banking with GSave, purchasing insurance with GInsure, investing with GInvest and even credit line GCredit. GCash has a lot to offer to make the lives of Filipinos more convenient and cost-efficient.  

Is there a way to cash in for free with Gcash?

Last 2020, Gcash updated their cash in the policy and there are now charges and transaction fees depending on what service you are going to use. But hey, we got you! We have found a workaround so you can still cash in for FREE.

You have to link your BPI account to your GCash:

  1. Go to the GCash app
  2. Choose Cash In
  3. Select Manage from My Linked Accounts
  4. Tap on BPI and provide your Bank Account details
  5. Once your BPI account is successfully linked, you can experience free real-time cash-in at any time.

To Cash In from BPI to GCash

  1. Go to the GCash app

2. Select Cash In and select BPI

  1. Enter the amount and tap confirm the amount

4. You will receive an OTP that you need to enter and after it is successful you will receive a message from GCash about your updated balance. 

To Cash In from Unionbank to GCash

  1. Go to the GCash app

2. Select Cash In and select Unionbank

3. Enter the amount and tap confirm the amount

4. You will receive an OTP that you need to enter and after it is successful you will receive a message from GCash about your updated balance. 

Fees are subject to change at the discretion of GCash. For more questions and information, you may visit their website GCash, call their hotline via 2882, or you may also submit a ticket to the help center via the GCash app.

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