Legal Forms

Affidavit of Loss


                           ) S.S.

         I, (Name), of legal age, Filipino, married and a resident of (Address), after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, depose and state:

That I am the true owner of _______________, described as follows to wit: (Description of property) 

That the said automobile had been duly registered in my name in the Land Transportation Office in ___________ for the year (or years) ____________; 

That the certificate of registration and other pertinent papers of ownership of said automobile were among those flooded and destroyed on ____________ when my house and all my personal belongings were completely destroyed by storm and flood; 

That said papers are now beyond recovery.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this (Date) in (Place), Philippines.


    SUBCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this (Date) in (Place), Philippines by (Name of Affiant) affiant exhibiting to me his Competent Evidence of Identity by way of Passport Identification(ID Number) issued on (Date) in(Place).

                                                     Notary Public

Doc. No. _____;
Page No. _____;
Book No. _____;
Series of 20__. 

Legal Forms

Affidavit of Indigency


                           ) S.S.

         I, (Name), of legal age, Filipino, married and a resident of (Address), after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, depose and state:

1. That  I desire to avail of the free legal service of the Public Attorney’s Office.

2. That my monthly net salary/income is P____________. 

3. That I am executing this affidavit to entitle me to the desired legal services. 

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this (Date) in (Place), Philippines.


    SUBCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this (Date) in (Place), Philippines by (Name of Affiant) affiant exhibiting to me his Competent Evidence of Identity by way of Passport Identification(ID Number) issued on (Date) in(Place).

                                                     Notary Public

Doc. No. _____;
Page No. _____;
Book No. _____;
Series of 20__. 

Legal Forms

Affidavit of Identity


                           ) S.S.

       I, (Name), of legal age, Filipino, married and a resident of (Address), after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, depose and state:

1. I am the same person who executed the long form signature appearing on my (Description of Identification Card or Document) under the name (Name of Affiant), and who executed the short form signature appearing on some official documents including those appearing on (Description of Documents where the different signature appears).

2. Both long and short form signatures as they appear in said official documents are therefore executed by one and the same person, the undersigned affiant, as I used the long form and at other times used the short form when I signed official documents, exercised my employment and transact with offices or agencies.

3. I agree to indemnify and hold (Name of Agency or Institution) and their respective officers, employees, and agents harmless from and against any liability incurred by said agency/institution for relying in good faith upon the declaration provided in this affidavit.

4. I am executing this affidavit to attest to the truth of the foregoing facts and to explain the difference in my signatures.

 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this (Date) in (Place), Philippines.


    SUBCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this (Date) in (Place), Philippines by (Name of Affiant) affiant exhibiting to me his Competent Evidence of Identity by way of Passport Identification (ID Number) issued on (Date) in (Place).

                                                     Notary Public

Doc. No. _____;
Page No. _____;
Book No. _____;
Series of 20__. 

Legal Forms

Affidavit of Guardianship


                           ) S.S.

        I, (Name), of legal age, Filipino, married and a resident of (Address), after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, depose and state:
1. That I am the Aunt and guardian of (Name of Minor), a minor, born on (Date of Birth of Minor), being the sister of his late mother (Mother of Minor);

2.  That the above mentioned minor is under my care and custody; 
3.  That I am competent to receive in behalf of the said minor any amounts due her from the Social Security System, insurance firms, and other financial institutions; and 
4.  That I am not a vagrant, vicious, imbecile, or insane person, or a habitual drunkard or a habitual criminal, and I have not abandoned, neglected or refused to support said minor or caused her to commit offenses against the law;
5.  That I am executing this affidavit to attest to the truth of all the foregoing statements and for whatever legal purpose it may serve.

 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this (Date) in (Place), Philippines.


    SUBCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this (Date) in (Place), Philippines by (Name of Affiant) affiant exhibiting to me his Competent Evidence of Identity by way of Passport Identification(ID Number) issued on (Date) in(Place).

                                                     Notary Public

Doc. No. _____;
Page No. _____;
Book No. _____;
Series of 20__. 
Legal Forms

Affidavit of Consolidation of Ownership In Pacto De Retro


                           ) S.S.

       I, (Name), of legal age, Filipino, married and a resident of (Address), after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, depose and state:

1. That on (Date), (Name), of legal age, Filipino, single, residing at (Address), sold to me a certain parcel of land under pacto de retro, executed before Notarial Public Juan Tamad and bearing Not. Reg. No. 0, Page 0, Book I, Series of 2011 of his Notarial Register (copy of the said  pacto de retro sale is hereto attached as ANNEX “A”);

2. That pursuant to the deed of sale with pacto de retro, the said vendor, (Name), should have exercised his right to repurchase the said property within the period of two (2) years;

3. That the period expired on July 10, 2023 without the said vendor, by himself or by any other person in his behalf complying with the condition and stipulation required for the repurchase of the said property;

4. That the said period of repurchase has not been extended, either expressly or impliedly, by affiant vendee a retro;

5. That by virtue of the said deed of sale with  pacto de retro, and by the failure of the vendor, (Name), to duly repurchase the property within the period stipulated, there was consolidated in the affiant, as vendee a retro, the absolute ownership of the said property. Attached hereto, as ANNEX “B,” is an order of the Regional Trial Court of  Makati City issued on September 1, 2021, approving and confirming the above consolidation of ownership in the name of affiant.

 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this (Date) in (Place), Philippines.


    SUBCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this (Date) in (Place), Philippines by (Name of Affiant) affiant exhibiting to me his Competent Evidence of Identity by way of Passport Identification(ID Number) issued on (Date) in(Place).

                                                     Notary Public

Doc. No. _____;
Page No. _____;
Book No. _____;
Series of 20__. 

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