Legal Forms

Deed of Donation

Deed of Donation


That I, ________________________of legal age, single / married to _______________________ with postal address at ____________________ hereinafter referred to as the DONOR, and _______________________, likewise of legal age, single / married to __________________________ with postal address at _________________________________ hereinafter called the DONEE, witnesseth:

That the DONOR is the registered owner of a parcel of land, more particularly described as follows:
(Insert description of property to be donated)

That the DONEE is a cousin of the DONOR, who has lovingly dedicated five (5) years of his life as the latter's personal caregiver and companion;

That FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the DONEE'S trust, devotion and affection shown to the DONOR, and as an act of gratitude and liberality on his part, the DONOR hereby voluntarily GIVES, TRANSFERS, and CONVEYS by way of donation, unto the said DONEE, his heirs and assigns, the above described property, together with all the improvements found thereon, free from all liens and encumbrances;
That the DONOR affirms that this donation is not made with intent to deceive his creditors, and that he has reserved for himself sufficient funds and property;

That the DONEE hereby accepts and receives this donation made in his favor by the DONOR, and hereby manifests his gratefulness for the latter's generosity.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, both the DONOR & DONEE have hereunder subscribed their names this __________ day of __________________ 20__ at _____________________, Philippines.
       _________________________           ________________________
                DONOR                                DONEE
       _________________________           ________________________
Republic of the Philippines)
______________________) S.S
BEFORE ME, a notary for and in the City of Makati, personally appeared:
Name                CTC Number             Date/Place Issued    
(Donee)             00000000               June 28, 20__ / Malabon City
known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing Deed of Donation and acknowledged to me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed.
WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, on the date and place first above written.
                                                   Notary Public

Doc. No._____;
Page No. _____;
Book No._____;
Series of 20___.

Legal Forms

Deed of Sale with Pacto De Retro



This Deed of Absolute Sale with Pacto de Retro is made and executed by:

         (NAME OF SELLER), of legal age, single/married to (Name of spouse if any), Filipino, and with residence at (Address of Seller) hereinafter referred to as the SELLER;


(NAME OF BUYER), Filipino and with residence and postal address at (Address of Buyer), hereinafter referred to as the BUYER.

       WHEREAS, the SELLER is the registered owner of a parcel of land with improvements located at (Address of property to be sold) and covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. (TCT Number) containing a total area of (Land Area of Property in Words) (000) SQUARE METERS, more or less, and more particularly described as follows:
                  TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 0000
       "(Insert the  technical description of the property on the title) Example: A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 2 Blk 15 of consolidation subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-0000, being a portion of the consolidation of Lots 0000-A and 0000-B (LRC) Psd-0000,  Lot 3, Psd-0000, Lot 1, Psd-0000, LRC Rec. Nos. Nos. N-27024, 0000, 0000, N-0000, N-0000, and 0000 situated in the Bo. of San Andres, City of Kabankalan,  Prov of Negros, Is. of Visayas. Bounded on NE., point 3 to 1 by Road Lot 2, the point of beginning; containing an area of (300) square meters more or less..."

      THAT the SELLER, for and in consideration of the amount of TWO MILLION PESOS (P2,00,000.00), Philippine Currency, receipt in full is hereby acknowledged by her  to her satisfaction, hereby SELL,  TRANSFER and CONVEY under PACTO DE RETRO unto said BUYER, his heirs and assigns, the above described property with all the buildings and improvement thereon, free from liens and encumbrances whatsoever;

     THAT the SELLER, in executing this conveyance, hereby reserves the right to REPURCHASE, and the BUYER, in accepting the same, hereby obligates himself to RESELL the property herein conveyed within a period of five (5) years from and after the date of this instrument for the same price of TWO MILLION PESOS (P2,00,000.00), Philippine Currency: Provided however, that if the SELLER fails to exercise her right to repurchase as herein granted within the period stipulated, then this conveyance shall become absolute and irrevocable, without the necessity of drawing up a new deed of absolute sale, subject to the requirements of the law regarding consolidation of ownership of real property.

   (NAME OF SELLER)               (NAME OF BUYER)
       Seller                         Buyer

_____________________             ____________________
Name of Seller's Spouse          Name of Buyer's Spouse


                    SIGNED IN THE PRESENCE OF:
_______________________               _________________________


_____________________________ )  SS.

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the City of ___________________,  personally appeared:
Name                   CTC Number   Date/Place Issued   
(Name of Seller)       00000000     June 18, 20__ / Kabankalan City
(Name of Buyer)        00000000     June 3, 20__ / Bacolod City           
Known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that the same are their free act and voluntary deed.
This instrument, consisting of (__) pages, including the page on which this acknowledgment is written, has been signed on the left margin of each and every page thereof by the concerned parties and their witnesses, and sealed with my notarial seal.
WITNESS  MY HAND AND SEAL on this ___day of __________________20__ at_______________.
                                                     Notary Public
Doc. No. ........;
Page No. .......;
Book No. .......;
Series of 20__.
Legal Forms

Deed of Absolute Sale

Deed of Absolute Sale


This DEED OF ABSOLUTE SALE is made, executed and entered into by:
        (NAME OF SELLER), of legal age, single/married to (Name of spouse if any), Filipino, and with residence and postal address at (Address of Seller), hereinafter referred to as the SELLER;

       (NAME OF BUYER), Filipino and with residence and postal address at (Address of Buyer), hereinafter referred to as the BUYER.
       WHEREAS, the SELLER is the registered owner of a parcel of land with improvements located at (Address of property to be sold) and covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. (TCT Number) containing a total area of (Land Area of Property in Words) (000) SQUARE METERS, more or less, and more particularly described as follows:
                  TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 0000
       "(Insert the  technical description of the property on the title) Example: A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 20 Blk 54 of consolidation subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-13265, being a portion of the consolidation of Lots 4751-A and 4751-B (LRC) Psd-50533,  Lot 3, Psd-100703, Lot 1, Psd-150980, LRC Rec. Nos. Nos. N-27024, 51768, 89632, N-11782, N-13466, and 21071 situated in the Bo. of San Donisio, Mun of Paranaque,  Prov of Rizal, Is. of Luzon. Bounded on NE., point 4 to 1 by Road Lot 22, the point of beginning; containing an area of (280) square meters more or less..."
       WHEREAS, the BUYER has offered to buy and the SELLER has agreed to sell the above mentioned property for the amount of (Amount in words) (P 000,000.00) Philippine Currency;
       NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of (Amount in words) (P 000,000.00) Philippine Currency, hand paid by the vendee to the vendor, the SELLER DO HEREBY SELL, TRANSFER, and CONVEY by way of Absolute Sale unto the said BUYER, his heirs and assigns, the certain parcel of land together with all the improvements found thereon, free from all liens and encumbrances of whatever nature including real estate taxes as of the date of this sale.

 (NAME OF SELLER)               (NAME OF BUYER)
      Seller                         Buyer

_____________________             ____________________
Name of Seller's Spouse          Name of Buyer's Spouse


                    SIGNED IN THE PRESENCE OF:
_______________________               _________________________

_____________________________ )  SS.

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the City of ___________________,  personally appeared:
Name                     CTC Number   Date/Place Issued   
(Name of Seller)         00000000     June 18, 20__ / Bago City
(Name of Buyer)          00000000     June 3, 20__ / Bacolod City           
Known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that the same are their free act and voluntary deed.
This instrument, consisting of (__) pages, including the page on which this acknowledgment is written, has been signed on the left margin of each and every page thereof by the concerned parties and their witnesses, and sealed with my notarial seal.
WITNESS  MY HAND AND SEAL on this ___day of __________________20__ at_______________.
                                                     Notary Public
Doc. No. ........;
Page No. .......;
Book No. .......;
Series of 20__.

Legal Forms

Offer to Purchase

Offer to Purchase

Mr. Mark Gonzales
14th Carnation St, Bel-Air,
Makati City
                 Re: (Address of property) more or less; covered
                      by T.C.T. No. ______________
Dear Mr. Gonzales,
This is to express our firm offer to buy the above stated property through our authorized brokers, Alex Ortiz, subject to the following terms and conditions:
Purchase Price PhP: _________________
Terms and Conditions:

1) Upon acceptance of this offer, earnest money in the amount of      amount in words      (Php:________) shall be paid and shall be credited as part of the purchase price.
2) The balance, in the amount of     amount in words    (Php:________) shall be paid in full within 15 working days.
3) The Capital Gains Tax and Broker's commission shall be for the account of the SELLER, while the Documentary Stamps, Transfer Tax and Registration Fees shall be for the account of the BUYER. 

If the above terms and conditions are acceptable to you, please signify your conformity by signing on the space provided below.
Truly yours,

 Gerald Tan, Jr.
Victor Benitez

Legal Forms

Contract to Sell

Contract to Sell


This CONTRACT TO SELL, made and executed this ____ day of _________, 20__ by and between:
        (NAME OF SELLER /VENDOR), of legal age, single/married to (Name of spouse if any), Filipino, and with residence and postal address at (Address), hereinafter referred to as the "SELLER/VENDOR";
        (NAME OF BUYER/VENDEE), Filipino and with residence and postal address at (Address), hereinafter referred to as the "BUYER/VENDEE".
        WHEREAS, the SELLER/VENDOR is the absolute and registered owner of a parcel of land consisting of LAND AREA IN WORDS (000) square meters, more or less, located at (Address of property to be sold) and covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. (TCT Number) issued by the Registry of Deeds of (Name of Town or City);
        WHEREAS, the BUYER/VENDEE has offered to buy and the SELLER /VENDOR has agreed to sell the above mentioned property under the terms and conditions herein below set forth;
        NOW THEREFORE,  for and in consideration  of the total sum of (Amount in words) (Php: 000,000.00) Philippine Currency, and of the covenants herein after set forth the SELLER/VENDOR  agrees to sell and the BUYER/VENDEE agrees to buy the aforesaid property subject to the following terms and conditions: 
1. The total consideration shall be Two Million  (Php: 2,000,000.00) PESOS, Philippine Currency, payable as follows:
a) The amount of THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND (Php: 500,000.00) PESOS, representing earnest money shall be payable by the BUYER/VENDEE to the SELLER/VENDOR upon signing of this Contract to Sell;
b) The remaining balance in the amount of SEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND (Php: 1,500,000.00) PESOS, shall be paid in Cash on or before ___________, 20__.
c) In case the check representing the payment for the balance provided in paragraph b hereof, is dishonored by the drawee bank, the earnest money in the amount of THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND (Php: 500,000.00) PESOS, shall be forfeited in favor of the SELLER/VENDOR.
2. Capital Gains Tax and Real Estate Tax, shall be for the account of the SELLER/VENDOR;
3. Documentary Stamps Tax, Registration Fee, registration expenses, and all other miscellaneous fees and expenses shall be to the account of the BUYER/VENDEE;
4. Possession to the subject property shall be delivered by the SELLER/VENDOR to the BUYER/VENDEE upon full payment of the total consideration;
5. Upon full payment of the total price, the SELLER/VENDOR shall sign and execute a DEED OF ABSOLUTE SALE in favor of the BUYER/VENDEE. The SELLER/VENDOR shall likewise execute and/or deliver any and all documents, including but not limited to the original copy of Transfer Certificate of Title, Tax Declaration and all other documents necessary for the transfer of ownership from SELLER/VENDOR to the BUYER/VENDEE.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto affixed their signatures, this ___ day of ____________, 20__ at ______________________, Philippines.
 (SELLER/VENDOR)                                (BUYER/VENDEE)
    Name                                              Name


_____________________                      ______________________
Name of Seller/Vendor's Spouse           Name of Buyer/Vendee's Spouse

                   SIGNED IN THE PRESENCE OF:
_______________________             ______________________

_____________________________ )  SS.

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public, this ____________day of ________________, personally appeared the following:
        Name                CTC Number     Date/Place Issued
(Name of Seller/Vendor)    00000000        March 5, 20__ / Pasay City
(Name of Buyer/Vendee)     00000000        March 18, 20__ / Quezon City
This instrument, consisting of ___ page/s, including the page on which this acknowledgment is written, has been signed on the left margin of each and every page thereof by the concerned parties and their witnesses, and sealed with my notarial seal.
IN WITNESS  WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand the day, year and place above written.
                                                   Notary Public
Doc. No. ........;
Page No. .......;
Book No. .......;
Series of 20__.
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