Legal Forms

Offer to Purchase

Offer to Purchase

Mr. Mark Gonzales
14th Carnation St, Bel-Air,
Makati City
                 Re: (Address of property) more or less; covered
                      by T.C.T. No. ______________
Dear Mr. Gonzales,
This is to express our firm offer to buy the above stated property through our authorized brokers, Alex Ortiz, subject to the following terms and conditions:
Purchase Price PhP: _________________
Terms and Conditions:

1) Upon acceptance of this offer, earnest money in the amount of      amount in words      (Php:________) shall be paid and shall be credited as part of the purchase price.
2) The balance, in the amount of     amount in words    (Php:________) shall be paid in full within 15 working days.
3) The Capital Gains Tax and Broker's commission shall be for the account of the SELLER, while the Documentary Stamps, Transfer Tax and Registration Fees shall be for the account of the BUYER. 

If the above terms and conditions are acceptable to you, please signify your conformity by signing on the space provided below.
Truly yours,

 Gerald Tan, Jr.
Victor Benitez
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