Legal Forms

Chattel Mortgage



    I, (Name of Mortgagor) of legal age, single/married to _________________ with postal address at ____________________ hereinafter known as the MORTGAGOR, and ____________________________of legal age, single/married to ______________________ with postal address at _______________________________ hereinafter known as the MORTGAGEE, witnesseth:

         That the MORTGAGOR is indebted unto the MORTGAGEE in the sum of (Amount in Words) (000,000.00),  Philippine Currency, receipt of which is acknowledged by the MORTGAGOR upon the signing of this instrument, payable within a period of _____ years, with interest thereon at the rate of (___) % per annum;
         That for, and consideration of , this indebtedness, and to assure the performance of said obligation to pay, the MORTGAGOR hereby conveys by way of CHATTEL MORTGAGE unto the MORTGAGEE, his heirs and assigns, the following personality now in the possession of said MORTGAGOR

MAKE             :	 MOTOR NO.              :
SERIES           : 	 SERIAL/CHASSIS NO.     :
TYPE OF BODY     :	 PLATE NO.              :
YEAR MODEL       :	 FILE NO.               :
    That the condition of this obligation is that should the MORTGAGOR perform the obligation to pay the hereinabove cited indebtedness of (Amount in Words) (000,000.00) together with accrued interest thereon, this chattel mortgage shall at once become null and void and of no effect whatsoever, otherwise, it shall remain in full force and effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands, this ____day of ____________ 20___ at ____ Philippines.
      _________________________      _________________________
               MORTGAGOR                      MORTGAGEE
                           IN THE PRESENCE OF:
  ____________________________     ___________________________


Republic of the Philippines)
 ________________________ ) S.S

BEFORE ME, personally appeared:

          Name              CTC Number       Date/Place Issued

   (Name of Mortgagor)      0000000      March 3, __ / Lipa City
   (Name of Mortgagee)      0000000      March 21, __ / Lipa City

Known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, on the date and place first above written.

                                           Notary Public

Doc. No.______;
Page No. _____;
Book No.______;
Series of 20___.
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