
5 Practical Money Management Tips

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Managing your money is not an easy task. You need to earn money first then save it and invest it. At the same time, you need to handle it well so you won’t end up broke.

We want to help you have a more effective and efficient ways in how to manage your money.

1. Set financial goals

You can list your personal financial goals for the year then divide it per month. This method can help you become hyperfocused into what financial goal you want to achieve in that specific month. Also it will serve as a guide into how you will budget your income to attain and maximize your other financial goals whether it is short term or long term such as savings and investment.

2. Create a budget

Before receiving your salary, it would be better if you can budget it first. You can start with 80% for expenses that can include your budget for rent, bills, food, transportation, and insurance while 20% for savings there no such thing as a small savings but you can also increase it slowly.

3. Build an emergency fund

You can start as low as P500 per month and you can save P6000 in a year as your starter emergency fund. It may be small at first but you can work to increase it month by month.

4. Pay your debts

One of the recommend ways to get out of debt is prioritize the debt with high interest then you can proceed to the next debt with the highest interest and so on. Debt can be a cycle but you have the choice to work on your budget in order for you to get out of it.

5. Educate yourself in the basics of finance

Read personal finance books. You can also start research on the internet about the basics of finance from income, budgeting, credit cards, savings, investing, insurance, to estate planning.

Finance Life Hacks

How to Cash in GCash For Free

How to Cash in GCash For Free - Life Guide PH

GCash is the leading fintech company in the Philippines. There are 60 million users of GCash in the Philippines who are now using it in their daily transactions from sending payments, cashless transactions, receiving remittances from overseas, buying load, banker transfer, paying bills, digital banking with GSave, purchasing insurance with GInsure, investing with GInvest and even credit line GCredit. GCash has a lot to offer to make the lives of Filipinos more convenient and cost-efficient.  

Is there a way to cash in for free with Gcash?

Last 2020, Gcash updated their cash in the policy and there are now charges and transaction fees depending on what service you are going to use. But hey, we got you! We have found a workaround so you can still cash in for FREE.

You have to link your BPI account to your GCash:

  1. Go to the GCash app
  2. Choose Cash In
  3. Select Manage from My Linked Accounts
  4. Tap on BPI and provide your Bank Account details
  5. Once your BPI account is successfully linked, you can experience free real-time cash-in at any time.

To Cash In from BPI to GCash

  1. Go to the GCash app

2. Select Cash In and select BPI

  1. Enter the amount and tap confirm the amount

4. You will receive an OTP that you need to enter and after it is successful you will receive a message from GCash about your updated balance. 

To Cash In from Unionbank to GCash

  1. Go to the GCash app

2. Select Cash In and select Unionbank

3. Enter the amount and tap confirm the amount

4. You will receive an OTP that you need to enter and after it is successful you will receive a message from GCash about your updated balance. 

Fees are subject to change at the discretion of GCash. For more questions and information, you may visit their website GCash, call their hotline via 2882, or you may also submit a ticket to the help center via the GCash app.

Finance Life Hacks

How to Automate Bank Transfer in the Philippines

Have you heard that you can automate your bank transfer?

There are two banks in the Philippines that are offering automated transfers but they usually call them as scheduled transfers. We tried and test it with BPI and Unionbank. It’s only P10 with BPI and free with Unionbank with PesoNet.

This feature is a lifesaver so you won’t need to redo this every payday to make sure you are putting money into your savings account and emergency fund. Automating this task so you can do this once and it can save you time in the future.

Here are the steps:

BPI Scheduled Transaction

1. Log in to your BPI account

2. On the left side select other services.

3. Under transactions, choose managed scheduled transactions and create scheduled transactions: transfer money.

4. You will be shown three (6) fields that you need to fill out:

  • Transfer from: (select the account)
  • Transfer amount
  • Transfer to: (transfer to own or 3rd party)
  • Frequency: (one time, monthly, quarterly)
  • Start date:
  • Number of transfer

NOTE: This is a real time fund transfer.

Unionbank Scheduled Transfer

  1. Log in to your Unionbank account

2. On your dashboard tap to send money.

3. Choose the type of bank and send money via PesoNet (cut off):

4. You need to fill out:

  • Bank Name (choose from the list of banks available)
  • Bank Account Number (type-in your account number *not the card number*
  • Bank Account Name
  • Amount
  • Date
  • Repeat and Frequency: (daily, weekly, every 2 weeks, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually)
  • End date: (never or select a particular date)
  • Purpose

5. Tap on transfer

NOTE: Unionbank offers free fund transfers and same day crediting before 3PM on banking days with Pesonet. Transactions done after 3PM or on weekends or holidays will be processed on the next banking day.


How to Activate SPaylater in Shopee

No budget? No credit card? Are you a little short for your budol? Shopee has an answer for you.

Shopee is the largest online marketplace in the Philippines is now offering SPayLater so you can enjoy their buy now, pay later in your Shopee purchase. You can check out the product and pay it next month to make it flexible in your budget.

What is SPaylater?

SPaylater is a feature of Shopee that offers “buy now, pay later” or installment loan for qualified users in purchasing products using Shopee.  

Who are eligible for SPayLater?

SPayLater is currently only available to select Shopee users who are at least 21 years old and have valid IDs.

Valid IDs that are accepted by SPayLater are:

  • Unified Multi-Purpose ID (UMID)
  • Driver’s License
  • Passport
  • Postal ID
  • PRC ID
  • National ID

SPaylater Processing Fee, Interest, Late Payment Fee

Processing FeeInterestLate Payment Fee
0-2% of the total amount 1 – 5% per month of the total order amount2.5 – 5% per month of the outstanding balance

The interest rate is based on your personal credit profile.

What’s my credit limit?

The available credit limit granted is subject to the discretion of Shopee and is based on your spending history. Shopee may also review your SPayLater account from time to time and adjust (increase or decrease) your credit limit periodically.

How to Activate SPayLater in Shopee

1. On the home screen select Me tab, select SPayLater and Activate Now

2. Enter the One-Time Password sent to your registered mobile number

3. Start the activation process by uploading your valid government-issued ID, filling out SPayLater and other required information, and lastly facial verification.

4. You will receive a prompt message that you have successfully activated your SpayLater showing your credit limit and you can select your due date.

To know more about SPayLater, you can log in to your Shopee account or you may also call the customer service hotline (02) 8880-5200.

Business Finance

List of Bank Code of Philippine Banks

When working remotely for a client or sending money to your family back home, you have probably tried to set up a Paypal account.

Usually transacting in Paypal they ask for bank codes when you are adding your bank account, receiving money, and withdrawing funds from your PayPal account to your local bank account.


A bank code or Bank Routing Symbol Transit Number (BRSTN) is a nine-digit code assigned to a bank used for identifying its name, city, and country. It’s a mix of numbers designated to each bank for identification in the financial transaction.


It is used as the standard for banks as an identifier for sending and receiving money in the Philippines.

Asia United Bank Corporation (AUB)011020011
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited010700015
Bank of America, N.A.010120019
Bank of China011140014
Bank of Commerce010440016
Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI)010040018
BDO Unibank, Inc. (BDO)010530667
China Banking Corporation (China Bank)010100013
China Bank Savings, Inc.011129996
Citibank, N.A.010070017
CIMB Bank018010011
Deutsche Bank AG010650013
Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP)010590018
EastWest Bank010620014
Equicom Savings Bank, Inc.010960017
Globe Xchange, Inc. (GCash)018040010
First Consolidated Bank020780012
HSBC Philippines010060014
ING Bank N.V.010660029
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.010720011
Land Bank of the Philippines010350025
Maybank Philippines, Inc.010220016
Metropolitan Bank and Trust Co. (Metrobank)010269996
Philippine Bank of Communications (PBCOM)010110016
Philippine National Bank (PNB)010080010
Philippine Savings Bank (PSBank)010470992
Philippine Veterans Bank010330016
Philippine Trust Company010090039
Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC)010280014
Robinsons Bank Corporation011070016
Security Bank Corporation010140015
Standard Chartered Bank010050011
Sterling Bank of Asia Inc.011190019
Tonik Digital Bank011570011
Union Bank of the Philippines010419995
United Overseas Bank Philippines010270341
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