Legal Forms

Affidavit Of Correction

Affidavit Of Correction

                           ) S.S.

         I, (Name), of legal age, Filipino, married and a resident of (Address), after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, depose and state:

That I am the registered owner of a parcel of land situated in (Address of Property) containing an area of 
ONE HUNDERED (100) SQUARE METERS, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 000-00000-0 issued by the Registry of Deeds for Makati City.

That on the above said title there was an erroneous entry on the Technical Description particularly on the boundaries of the above-said parcel of land. 

That on the boundaries of the above-said parcel of land on the original title theerrors made consists of:

a) Missing Boundary: Bounded on the SE., along line 1-2 by Road lot 10, (8.00m. Wide)

b) Bounded on the
, along line 2-3 by lot 9, block 11 both of the consolidation-subdivision plan INSTEAD OF
, along line 2-3by lot 9, block 11 both of the consolidation-subdivision plan

That the technical description as appearing on the original title are as follows:

“A parcel of land (lot 8, block-11, of the consolidation-subdivision plan Pcs-07-003066 being a portion of cons-subs. Of lot 12864, SW0-07-05-001934 and lot 3,Psu-151805.) situated in the Barangay of _________, Municipality of __________,Province of _______, Island of _________. Bounded on the SE., along line 2-3 by lot9, block-11, both of the consolidation-subdivision plan; on the NW., along line 3-4 by lot 9441, Cad. 545-D, (NEW); on the NE., along line 4-1 by lot 7, block-11,of the consolidation-subdivision plan.

That the correct information or technical description of the said land as certified by Engr. Mark Santos, Regional Director for Technical Services are as follows:

“A parcel of land (lot 8, block-11, of the consolidation-subdivision plan Pcs-07-003066 being a portion of cons-subs. Of lot 12864, SW0-07-05-001934 and lot 3,Psu-151805.) situated in the Barangay of ____________, Municipality of  ____________, Province of _______, Island of ___________. Bounded on the SE., alongline 1-2 by Road lot 10, (8.00m. wide; on the SW., along line 2-3 by lot 9, block-11, both of the consolidation-subdivision plan; on the NW., along line 3-4 by lot9441, Cad. 545-D, (NEW); on the NE., along line 4-1 by lot 7, block-11, of theconsolidation-subdivision plan.

That I am executing this affidavit to attest to the truth of the foregoing facts and incompliance of the requirements of the Registry of Deeds for Makati City for the annotation of the correct information in the title and for whatever legal purpose it may serve.

 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this (Date) in (Place), Philippines.


    SUBCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this (Date) in (Place), Philippines by (Name of Affiant) affiant exhibiting to me his Competent Evidence of Identity by way of Passport Identification (ID Number) issued on (Date) in (Place).

                                                     Notary Public

Doc. No. _____;
Page No. _____;
Book No. _____;
Series of 20__.
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